Enhance Your Store

Create Social Proof

Display real-time sales data with customizable, verified badges. Build trust and boost conversions with features designed to fit seamlessly into your store’s layout.

Verified Sales Badge
Show a verified icon next to your product sales numbers, building trust with customers.
Customizable Widget
Easily adjust the font, color, and size of the sales widget to match your store’s design.
Real-Time Sales Updates
Automatically refreshes sales data every 24 hours to ensure accurate and up-to-date information.
Global Language Support
Supports multiple languages including English, Arabic, Spanish, German, and French for a global reach.
Product screenshot

Only Verified Sales

Show Only Genuine Sales Data

Build customer trust by displaying only verified sales numbers on your store. Our app ensures the data is accurate, reliable, and up-to-date.

Accurate Data

Ensure your customers only see real, verified sales numbers. This builds trust and transparency, encouraging more purchases.

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Sales Verification Process

Our app cross-references sales data directly from Shopify, ensuring that only genuine sales are displayed on your store. This process runs every 24 hours to keep the data current.

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Transparency and Trust

A dedicated page explains how sales data is verified, giving your customers the confidence to make informed buying decisions.

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Boost Your Sales

Powerful Sales Widget

Showcase your product's popularity with our verified real-time sales data widget. Easy to set up, customizable, and designed to build trust with your customers.

Informative Tooltip
On-hover tooltip provides detailed information about how sales data is verified, building trust with customers.
Customizable Design
Easily customize the widget's font and colors to match your store's branding and aesthetics.
Online Store 2.0 Compatible
Seamlessly integrate the widget into your product pages with Online Store 2.0 themes for quick and easy setup.
Sold So Many Widget Showcase